Author: Renaud Jesionek

Can You Count Cards in Online Blackjack?

Card counting is the process of keeping track of cards to predict when a dealer has an edge over the player. It is an extremely profitable strategy for blackjack, and many successful players use it to win big in this popular casino game. The answer to this question depends on many factors, including the type

How to Become a Professional Blackjack Player

Blackjack is one of the most popular casino games in the world, and it’s also a great way to make money if you know how to play it properly. Professional players often use card counting techniques to increase their odds of winning, but there are also many other tips and strategies that can help you

What is it Ghosting in Poker

What is ghosting in poker? Have you ever been “ghosted” while playing poker? If you’re unfamiliar with the term “ghosting,” this article provides insight into the phenomenon. Read on to find out what is ghosting in poker. Ghosting has become increasingly common in online poker games, with some players seeking out expert coaches to gain

Blackjack vs Poker: Which is Better?

Are you one of those people who love the thrill and excitement of a casino game? Or you simply want to know which casino game is better, blackjack vs poker. If so, you may be debating whether to give blackjack or poker a try. But which game should you choose? Card games are popular across

What is a Set in Poker?

Have you ever seen someone playing poker and wondered what a “set” is? Or maybe you know the basics about a set in poker but want more information to improve your game? Poker is one of the most popular card games in the world and it has a lot of rules, strategies, and terms that

Quick Guide to Aces High Poker

Are you a poker enthusiast looking for a new challenge? Aces High is an interesting variant of this classic card game that’s sure to excite any fan. But what is it, exactly, and how do you play it? Aces High is a variation of five-card draw poker that adds an extra dimension to the game.