What Does Soft Mean in Blackjack?

What Does Soft Mean in Blackjack?

The terms hard and soft in blackjack can be confusing to those new to the game. There is an important distinction between these two types of hands and it has a significant impact on your strategy. The difference is in whether or not your hand features a flexible ace.

A soft hand is one that contains an ace and can be counted as either a 1 or a 11. This flexibility gives you the chance to change the value of your hand depending on what other cards are in your deck. This is an extremely beneficial advantage in the game of blackjack and is the type of hand that gamblers hope to hold.

Hard hands, on the other hand, are ones that do not contain an ace and can only be counted as a 1. This makes them much more rigid in their value and they cannot change their total with additional cards. In other words, you can only hit or stand with a hard hand. This rigidity makes them much less profitable as a blackjack hand.

In addition to the fact that a soft hand is more flexible, there are other reasons why it is more advantageous for gamblers to hold one. The first reason is that it allows players to double their hands when they have the chance to do so. Doubling a soft hand is often the best way to maximize profits and it can also help you avoid busting if you are dealt a bad card.

Moreover, many casinos have special rules for playing soft hands. This is because the dealer’s rule regarding the treatment of flexible scores can have a significant impact on the house edge. For example, when a dealer’s up card is a 5 or 6, it is recommended that you double your soft 17 in order to take advantage of the fact that this hand is likely to win.

There are other times when you should not double your hand with a soft hand, however. This is the case if you have an ace and a deuce. In this situation, you should only double your soft hand when the dealer is showing a 5, 6 or a 7. It is recommended that you hit your soft hands in all other circumstances.

In the end, it is essential for all blackjack players to understand what does soft mean and how to play their hands accordingly. This will allow them to maximise their profits and improve their chances of winning a fortune. This is especially important for those who are new to the game of blackjack. By following these simple steps, they can make the most of their blackjack experience and have a more enjoyable time in the casino.